Churches of deanery of Horodzilovo
Parish of the church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God in Polochany
Address: Polochany village, Molodechno district, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Horodzilovo
Parish of the church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Nosilovo
Address: Nosilovo village, Molodechno district, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Horodzilovo
Parish of the church of St. Nicholay the Wonderworker in Moroski village
Address:Moroski village , Molodechno district, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Horodzilovo
Parish of the church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity in Markovo village
Address: Markovo village., Molodechno district, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Horodzilovo
The parish of the church of the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky in Turets-Boyari village.
Address: Turets-Boyary village, Molodechno district
Churches of deanery of Horodzilovo
Parish of the church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity in Lebedevo.
Address: Lebedevo village, Molodechno district, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Horodzilovo
Parish of the church of the Ascension of the Lord in Zaskovichi
Address: Zaskovichi village, Molodechno district, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Horodzilovo
Parish of the church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mothes of God in Benitsa
Address: Benitsa village, Molodechno district, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Horodzilovo
Parish of the church of the Holy Righteous Joseph the Betrothed in Gorodilovo village (Deanery Center)
Address: Gorodilovo village, Molodechno district, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Horodzilovo
Parish of the church of Saints equal to the apostles Methodius and Kirill in Svir.
Address: Svir, Myadelsky district, Minsk region.