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Рождественское послание Святейшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла
Рождественское послание Митрополита Минского и Заславского Павла
Рождественское послание епископа Молодечненского и Столбцовского Павла
Main page
The history of the creation of Molodechno Diocese
Diocesan departments
Churches of deanery of Vileyka
Churches of deanery of Vishnevo
Churches of the Deanery of Volozhin
Churches of deanery of Horodzilovo
Churches of deanery of Dzerzhinsk
Churches of the deanery of Dolginovo
Churches of Deanery of Ilya
Bishop ministry
Youth Associations
Brotherhood in honor of Bishop Mina
Brotherhood in honor of St. Valentine of Minsk
Brotherhood in honor of St. Barbara
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Youth Associations
Brotherhood in honor of St. Valentine of Minsk
Brotherhood in honor of St. Valentine of Minsk
Members of the brotherhood in honor of St. Valentina Minskaya checked the charity event
On April 28, on the Feast of the Entry of the Lord
Brotherhood in honor of St. Valentine of Minsk
Members of the brotherhood in honor of St. Valentina of Minsk held a charity event dedicated to the bright Holiday of the Resurrection of Christ
On April 15 and 16, on the Feast of the Bright Resurrection
Brotherhood in honor of St. Valentine of Minsk
Members of the brotherhood in honor of St. Valentina of Minsk continued the educational campaign “Memory”
During the Lenten Parental Saturdays, members of the