Churches of deanery of Vileyka
Parish of the church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious in Ruchitsa village
Address: Kovali , Ruchitsa village, Vileysky district
Churches of deanery of Vileyka
Parish of the church of the Holy Prophet Ilya in Naroch
Address: Naroch , Vileyka district, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Vileyka
Parish of the church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God in Vileika
Address: 39 Koroleva str., Vileika, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Vileyka
Parish of the church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious in Zaluzhye village
Address: Address: Spyaglo village , Vileysky district
Churches of deanery of Vileyka
Parish of the church of St. Tikhon, Patriarch the whole Russia, Vileyka town
Address: Volynets str., 13, Vileyka, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Vileyka
Parish of the church of St. Mary of Egypt, Vileika town (deanery center)
Address: September 17 street/33, Vileika, Minsk region , Tel.
Churches of deanery of Vileyka
Parish of the church of the Prophet John the Baptist Barovtsy village
Address: Barovtsy village , Vileyska district, Minsk region.
Churches of deanery of Vileyka
The parish of the church of the Holy Righteous Joseph the Betrothed in Izha
Address: Izha , Vileyska district, Minsk region.